You're Doing What???

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Alabama, United States
The daily ins and outs of a particularly crazy bunch...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Finally... Now we're playing catch-up

Well, we have been super busy! Jayson is done with tutoring for the Summer, Aleah and Will are, well, they just are! The adults are working - 24/7!!! We finally got moved.. whoop! whoop! The kids are super excited because of the space they have, playtime and outdoor time just took on a whole new attitude.... there are horses in the back yard!

Personally, I am facing some difficult challenges with the whole job/training/advancement process. I can do so much, and I am open to it all, but which will make me happiest in the long run!!!???

School is right around the corner.

Lessons I have learned - yes, even at 33 3/4 you can still learn lessons.
1. It's never too much hassle to PLAY!
2. Remember that EVERYONE deserves a chance.
3. Even when you are sad, happiness still exists and it is usually in the one place you aren't looking!
4. It is important to take advantage of moments that will soon be gone too fast!
5. When you know it's right, just do it.... no regrets!

Just random thoughts.... More to come including pics...